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Image by Erika Fletcher

Our Preschool Polices

Bright Blocks Preschool has an extensive number of policies and procedures in place including: (Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Child Protection, Partnership with Parents, Illness Procedure, Prevention of Infection, Additional Needs Policy and many more).

All of our policies and procedures can be viewed below. They are also displayed on the preschool noticeboard for your information or you can request copies from the Nursery Manager.

Improvement Plan

As part of our commitment to our children and families, we are always looking to improve our preschool. A School Improvement Plan helps us achieve this. To help us identify which areas to focus on, the following pointers are used:

  • Areas of improvement identified from external reports e.g. Ofsted

  • Our own annual staff self evaluation

  • Areas arising from family questionnaires, given out at the end of the school year 

  • The children’s own evaluation of their preschool

Our Preschool Improvement Plan is a working document and so is liable to change! If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to one of us.

Safeguarding Children +
Child Protection Policy

‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2021’ and ‘Working together to safeguard children’ 2018.

We believe children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met, and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring for them.

Illness + Infection Policy

Procedure for responding to children who are ill or infectious

The health and well-being of all the children, staff and parents/carers who attend Bright Blocks Preschool is of paramount importance to us. In order for us all to provide a clean and healthy environment it is important for us all to follow procedures.

Medication Policy

Procedures for administering medication as well as emergency medical treatment

We follow strict guidelines when dealing with medication of any kind in the preschool and these are set out below.

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Procedures for fire safety and

emergency evacuation

At Bright Blocks Preschool, we are committed to providing safety measures for all the individuals within the building. We ensure the highest possible standard of fire precautions are in place.

Visitors Policy

Procedure for checking the identity of visitors

There is a set procedure in place to safeguard children and adults on arrival to and departure from the pre-school building. Pre-School staff are trained in all aspects of this procedure and have responsibility for ensuring that it is implemented.

Uncollected Child Policy

Procedures in the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult.

All parents agree an approximate arrival time at the nursery and are informed of procedures on what to do if they expect to be late.

Making a Complaint

Procedure for dealing with concerns and complaints from parents or carers

The team at Bright Blocks Preschool are committed to the highest standards of care and professionalism and will listen and take seriously any concerns or issues raised by parents and take appropriate steps to resolve any problems.

Student Placements

Our statement for intent and aims of supporting students on placement in our setting.

The team at Bright Blocks Preschool are committed to the highest standards of care and professionalism and will ensure that whilst supporting practitioners who are studying towards their early years qualifications, the safeguarding of children is our priority.

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