Our preschool is committed to offering high quality learning through play and care. Staff are the most important feature of this, so we aim to ensure that our staff are highly skilled, and work together in complementary ways as a creative, supportive team. Safeguarding and equality are key in appointing to join the team.
Our recruitment procedures will comply with statutory guidance, good practice, and the preschool’s policies.
Download our recruitment pack, for access to the Job Description, Person Specification and Application Form.
Employee Handbook
The employee contract refers to individual policies and procedures that can be accessed and read in more detail in the documents below.
Absence and Leave Policy
Emergency Evacuation and Fire Safety
Staff Suitability
(DBS Checks)
Special Educational Needs (SEND)
Disciplinary, Grievance and Capability Policy
Use of mobile phones and cameras
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
Performance and Target Setting
Staff Wellbeing
Staff CPD Blog
This blog is all about continuous professional development (CPD).